The Long-Tailed Grass Lizard(Takydromus sexlineatus), Asian Grass Lizard, Six-Striped Long-Tailed Lizard, or Long-Tailed Lizard, is found in India, China, Burma, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam, the Malaysian Peninsula, and Indonesia. It is similar in care to the Green and Brown Anole but can be more handleable than them, however these are not a reptile that necessarily likes handling. If you are looking for a reptile to handle often, try looking into Leopard Geckos or Crested Geckos.

Size & Longevity
Long-Tailed Lizards will grow up to 12” and live up to 6 years with proper care.
A Long-Tailed Lizards day temperatures should range from 75-80 degrees Fahrenheit. The basking temperature should range from 85-92 degrees Fahrenheit and the cool temperature should range from 65-75 degrees Fahrenheit.
Tank & Substrate
A single Long-Tailed Lizard needs a minimum of 10 gallons for a tank. Any additional Long-Tailed Lizard needs 10 gallons. A Long-Tailed Lizard tank needs to have many plants and branches as they love to climb and hide in the leaves. The plants can be fake or living. They also need a humidity holding substrate such as, coconut fiber, reptisoil, topsoil, or a bioactive substrate.

Water & Humidity
Long-Tailed Lizard’s should have a water bowl filled with fresh water and be misted at least twice a day. Humidity should ranger from 50-80%.
Long-Tailed Lizards are insectivores and will primarily feed on crickets but should have a variety of feeder insects available. Some insects they are able to eat are dubia/discoid roaches, mealworms/small superworms (occasionally), and waxworms (treats only). All insects should be dusted with calcium and vitamin supplements. If you provide a 10.0 UVB striplight then dust with calcium without D3 and multivitamins. If you do not provide a UVB light, you will also need calcium with D3.
Long-Tailed Lizards should have a UVB striplight on 12 hours a day, however this is not necessary. LED lighting can also be used if you have live plants in the enclosure.