The Brown Anole (Anolis sagrei) is a small lizard is great for a beginner that is just starting out with reptiles. While they aren’t one that’s great with handling, they do make a fantastic display species as they are very active during the day and easy to care for.

Size & Longevity
A female Brown Anole will reach up to 6 inches but some average only at 4 inches. A male Brown Anole can reach up to 8 inches. Brown Anoles can live for 5-8 years with proper care.
2 female Brown Anoles or a pair can live in a 10 gallon tank however a 12x12x18” exo terra is much better as this is an arboreal lizard and prefers taller tanks rather than longer. The tank should be cluttered with plants (live and/or fake) and branches. There should be at least 1 hide.
Brown Anoles require relatively high humidity so the substrate should be one that can hold humidity well such as eco earth, reptisoil, organic topsoil, or a bioactive mix.
If keeping a male and females together make sure the substrate is at least 2" deep to allow the females to lay their eggs.
Brown Anoles require a 85-93 degree Fahrenheit hot spot. This should be achieved by either a ceramic heat emitter or white basking bulb. The ambient temperature should be 75-82 degrees Fahrenheit. At night this can lower to 60-72 degrees Fahrenheit.

Brown Anoles do not require any special lighting IF you use proper supplements. If you do not dust food with calcium with D3 supplement then you should use a UVB striplight that runs the length of the tank. If you do use calcium with D3 supplement then you should not use a UVB striplight as this can lead to a calcium overdose.
Water & Humidity
Brown Anoles will get most of their water from either a misting system or by you hand misting the tank twice a day but a water dish filled with fresh, clean water should still be provided. A Brown Anole’s humidity should range from 60-70%.
Brown Anoles are strictly insectivores and should be fed a staple diet of live, gut-loaded feeder roaches and/or crickets. They should have some variety in their diet so you can occasionally offer mealworms, waxworms, and black soldier fly larvae. Make sure all food is dusted with calcium without D3, vitamins, and calcium with D3.
If you use a 10.0 UVB striplight, D3 is not necessary.
Brown Anoles are not a handleable lizard. They are very skittish and stress easily when handled. If there is any reason you would need to handle them, make sure to scoop them up, never squeeze them, and always handle gently, with care.
Brown Anoles can be cohabbed with each other. They are a social lizard but can be aggressive towards other species. In the wild, Brown Anoles are wiping out the Green Anole population so they should not be housed with any other species of anole besides their own. When housing more than one Brown Anole together, make sure you never have more than one male per enclosure. Males will fight for both dominance and territory. If you only have a 10 gallon tank, only house two females together. If you just house one male and one female together, that female will become over-bred and very stressed. When housing a male and females together try and have at least two females in with the male.