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Yellow-Throated Plated Lizard


The Yellow-Throated Plated Lizard is a skittish and fast reptile that is not meant for the beginner keeper. It can become used to handling if worked with for a long time with patience but most of the time it is preferred to be left alone. The Yellow-Throated Plated Lizard is native to Tanzania and is not bred in captivity making it a wild caught species.

Size & Longevity

The Yellow-Throated Plated Lizard can reach up to 18 inches including tail and live for 15-20 years with proper care.


The minimum tank size for 1 Yellow-Throated Plated Lizard is a 40 gallon breeder tank but bigger is always better. There should be plenty of coverage such as fake or live plants to make the lizard feel secure. There should be secure climbing surfaces as this species is a good climber and a very secure lid as these are strong lizards that can push open a lid without locks.


Yellow-Throated Plated Lizards love to burrow and should have at least 4 inches of substrate to burrow in. Substrates can include organic topsoil, reptisoil, or a bioactive mixture of 60% organic topsoil and 40% children’s playsand.


A high wattage basking light is necessary for the Yellow-Throated Plated Lizard. They will need a hot spot of 100-130 degrees Fahrenheit. On the cool side of the tank the temperature should be at a range of 75-80 degrees Fahrenheit.


Lighting is not necessary for this species although UVB is beneficial. If using a UVB bulb ensure it is a striplight and not a UVB bulb. The bulbs only create one spot of UVB which is not suitable for reptiles. The striplights should run the length of the tank.

Water & Humidity

Yellow-Throated Plated Lizards are excellent swimmers and a water dish big enough for one to fit its entire body into is necessary. Many keepers choose to use a cake pan as their water dish. Water should be changed daily as they often get substrate in the water dish.

Their humidity levels should range from 50-60% during the day and spike to 70% at night.


Yellow-Throated Plated Lizards are primarily insectivorous but can eat pinkie or fuzzy mice when full grown and will occasionally take fruits such as banana, mango and papaya. When offering fruits make sure to cut up the pieces so they can eat them without choking and never feed any citrus or nightshade fruits as these are dangerous to their health.

Dust all insects with calcium and vitamin supplements.

*NOTE* If using a UVB striplight, dusting with calcium with D3 is unnecessary.


Yellow-Throated Plated Lizards are naturally skittish reptiles and do not often take to handling like a leopard gecko or crested gecko will. Some never get used to the idea of handling and some will over time. To try and handle this species you will need to be patient and calm. Use slow movements and start with hand feeding and petting (only use 2-3 fingers when petting and only along the top of the head and back). Wait for them to come to you and then climb on your hand and/or arm. Never force them to be picked up as this can scare them and cause them to possibly bite.


The Yellow-Throated Plated Lizard can be kept in pair or in a trio. Only have 1 male per group or trio. 2 Yellow-Throated Plated Lizards can live in a 40 gallon breeder but if keeping a trio the tank should be either a 4x2x2’ enclosure or a 75 gallon tank.


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