The Chubby Frog or Asian Painted Bullfrog (Kaloula pulchra) makes for a great pet amphibian! It is a very hardy amphibian but unfortunately often wild caught. The Chubby Frog is native to southeast Asia, typically living in rice fields or on forest floors.

Size & Longevity
Chubby Frogs reach 2-3 inches on average. Females tend to be on the larger size. The typical lifespan of a Chubby Frog is 10 years.
A 10 gallon tank can house 1 female Chubby Frog or 2 male Chubby Frogs. A pair or 2 females will need a 20 gallon tank.
*NOTE*- Do not house an adult and baby together as the adult could see the younger Chubby Frog as a food item.
Chubby Frogs are a burrowing species so plenty of substrate is necessary. The best choices would be organic topsoil, ABG soil mixture, Reptisoil, Eco Earth/coco fiber, or a bioactive mixture. The substrate should be at least 6 inches deep to allow proper burrowing.
Chubby Frogs do best at room temperature (68-78 degrees Fahrenheit) and should not get over 80 degrees Fahrenheit. If the room gets too cold a heat mat should be placed on the back or side of the tank & connected to a thermostat.
Chubby Frogs do not require any lighting however a UVB striplight can be beneficial and if you would like to include live plants in the terrarium a LED light would be beneficial to the plants.
*NOTE*- If using a UVB striplight do not use calcium with D3 as this can cause calcium overdose.
Water & Humidity
Chubby Frogs are not the best swimmers so their water dish should not be very deep however it should be big enough for the frog to fully soak in. The water dish should also be easy for the Chubby Frog to climb in and out of.
The humidity for a Chubby Frog should range from 50-80%. This can be achieved by misting the tank once or twice a day or installing a fogger/automatic mister on the tank.

Chubby Frogs are insectivores and should be fed a large variety of insects. Staple insects include dubia roaches/discoid roaches, crickets/locusts, and silkworms. Hard bodied insects should be rarely fed as they are difficult for the Chubby Frog to digest, these insects include superworms and mealworms.
All insects should be gutloaded at least 24 hours before feeding to your Chubby Frog and need to be dusted with calcium and vitamin supplements.
I suggest using Repashy Calcium Plus which is an all in one supplement.
Since Chubby Frogs are amphibians, they have very sensitive skin and should only be handled when necessary. When handling your Chubby Frog be sure to wear gloves or wet your hands & make sure you have washed your hands and have not recently used anything like lotion to avoid passing that onto the frog.
Chubby Frogs can be kept with other Chubby Frogs however they should be similar in size. If an adult is kept with a baby, the baby may end up becoming dinner.
