A Sandfish (Scincus scincus) originates from the deserts of Africa, Arabia and the Sahara. They are also known as the Egyptian Sandfish. The Sandfish got its name by “swimming” through the sand due to their scales. It has a long, wedge-shaped nose that allows it to quickly burrow through the sand. It has small bead like eyes that keep sand out of its eyes and small nostrils that keep sand out of its lungs.
If you get a sandfish skink make sure to get it checked for parasites as soon as possible.
Size & Longelivity
The Sandfish will reach 6-8 inches in length. The Sandfish has been reported to live up to 20 years in captivity but they usually only live for 10 years.

The Sandfish tank should be 10 gallons for one and add another 10 gallons for every other Sandfish added to the tank.
Reptisand should be the only substrate used for the Sandfish as it is a very fine sand. They are naturally found in sand deserts and since they are wild caught should always feel comfortable in their new home.
A Sandfish will need a heat lamp that can reach at least 120-140 degrees Fahrenheit. The heat lamp should be left on during the day and then at night a ceramic heat emitter or heat mat (placed on the side of the tank) should be used to keep them warm.
Water & Humidity
A Sandfish will need a shallow water dish to allow them to drink water when they feel it necessary to. A Sandfish should have a relatively low humidity of 20%.
Sandfish are insectivores and will eat insects such as: crickets, dubia roaches, mealworms, and small superworms. All insects should be dusted with calcium and vitamin supplements.
Sandfish are very shy and do not like to be handled. Since they are a wild caught reptile it is best not to handle as it can stress them out and too much stress can lead to death.
