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Crested Gecko

Updated: Mar 2, 2021


The Crested Gecko (Correlophus ciliatus) or "crestie" is from New Caledonia. They are tree dwellers and make outstanding displays in naturalistic vivariums. Although once the rarest lizard in captivity and believed to be extinct, the Crested Gecko is now bred in large numbers and can be commonly found in pet stores and reptile expos.

SIZE & Longevity

Crested Geckos can live up to 20 years in captivity with proper care. They grow up to 8 inches in total length.


Baby Crested Geckos should be housed in a small tub setup to ensure they get the humidity they need and will be able to find their food easily. They can also be kept in Kritter Keepers if you can maintain proper humidity. Juvenile Crested Geckos should be housed in a 10 gallon terrarium with a screen top or a 12x12x18" exo terra. An adult Crested Gecko should be housed in a 18x18x24" tank, nothing smaller, but a bigger setup is always better!


Crested Geckos like temperatures of 75-80 degrees Fahrenheit during the day and low 70s during the night. During the winter they will tolerate night drop temperatures in the 60s. In the summer, move the Crested Gecko to a cool room if temperatures exceed 80 degrees. The easiest way to provide heat (if you need to) is with a low wattage ceramic heat emitter placed on the screen top on one side of the tank for a warm area. If you have live plants in your vivarium, then additional light can be provided with a fluorescent bulb running the length of the tank.


Baby crested geckos should have a paper towel substrate. The substrate for juvenile and adult Crested Geckos should be coconut fiber(eco earth sold in pet stores), organic topsoil which is a good substrate for plants, reptisoil, or buy a premixed bag of ABG soil mix which is a bioactive soil mix and great for plants! Crested Geckos like to hide in foliage and climb on wood so include some plants, cork flats/tubes, vines, and branches in your terrarium or vivarium for enrichment for your gecko. Be sure to include places to hide and be sure not to overcrowd your tank, leave enough open space so they can jump around.


Crested Geckos should be fed Repashy Superfoods “Crested Gecko” Diets or Pangea diets as a staple diet. They should also eat crickets, Dubia roaches, mealworms (fed in moderation), and waxworms (treats only) at least once or twice a week to allow your crestie to properly thrive. Insects should be dusted each feeding with a vitamin/mineral supplement that contain calcium and vitamin D3, unless you provide a UVB lighting source in which case dust with calcium without D3 and multivitamins. Always remove uneaten food within 24 hours.


Water should always be available in a shallow dish for Crested Geckos. They need at least 60%-70% humidity. Provide humidity with a hand mister or a timed fogger/mister. They need dry period in the day so be sure not to over-hydrate the tank. A tool that helps you check the humidity, is a digital hydrometer, sold in pet stores.


Newly purchased Crested Geckos should not be handled within the first week or two weeks to allow it to settle into its new home. When you do start to handle your Crested Gecko, make sure the sessions are short, no more than 5 minutes, to prevent stress and tail loss. To start handling begin by placing your hand in the tank and allowing your Crested Gecko to investigate. Never force your Crested Gecko to come to you as this can lead to a bad relationship with your gecko.


There are multiple different Crested Gecko morphs, patterns, and colors. They include, Tigers, Flames, Harlequins, Patternless, Bi-Color, Chevrons, Brindles, Dalmatians, Pinstripes, Creamsicles, Blonds, Halloweens, Tricolors, Lily Whites, Wild Types or Normals, & so many more.



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